Mytech Knowledge Center

Good, Better, & Best Transitions to Remote Work | Mytech

Written by Nathan Austin | Sep 15, 2020 7:54:19 PM

This spring, things changed for businesses across the nation in an instant. Many organizations transitioned to a remote work model with little advance notice, planning, or preparation. As we continue to navigate our changing social and public health landscape, it’s tempting to avoid looking back. But there are plenty of lessons for all of us in those days of transition, and now is the perfect time to extract them.

Join us for a frank self-assessment from one of our clients, who prepared their organization for remote work in multiple ways, as we talk through their transition strategy. We’ll discuss how they approached aspects like equipment, security settings, connectivity, team culture & morale, and more – plus what they would change if they had a chance to revise their process. You’ll also get access to our self-assessment tool, to see how your organization can stay ahead of whatever comes next!